Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Music Review: Prefuse 73- Vocal Studies and Uprock Narratives

Well, it's not a new album by any means, but I finally got my ears around Scott Herron's first LP. I know I'm the last guy on this blog to embrace Herron's unique blend of cut-up vocals, skidish beats and atmospheric tones, but I thought I'd give everyone a chance to say "Told you so!"
While I will agree that Herron's unique, even masterful, approach to slicing and dicing the vocal tracks is his signature sound (listen and be mesmerized by "Life/Death"), I find myself more intrigued by his textured synth/key tones on most of his tracks, but especially "untitled".
"Last Light" leads you down that long hallway,full of dry ice and smoke, illuminated only by the sporatic strobing of blue light at the end of the tunnel. "Radio Attack" hits and your bouncing on the dancefloor with everyone else.

This album is the sound of a journey to a place cooler than you.


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